
Spring Aerial Treatment Scheduled to Start April 9

SCMAC Aerial Treatment Map (9_8)

Aerial larva control of seasonally flooded woodlots is tentatively scheduled to begin each April. Fixed-wing aircraft treat approximately 52,000 acres of mosquito breeding habitat using granular Bti, Serotype 14 attached to ground corn cob, at the application rate of 2.5 to 3 pounds per acre. 

SCMAC employs two methods to ensure efficient and accurate aerial treatment. All aircraft use Global Positioning System (GPS) electronic guidance, which can be monitored in real-time by SCMAC staff. SCMAC utilizes Arc-GIS software to develop accurate treatment maps for both aerial and ground operations.

Seasonal vector control technicians begin larva control immediately following the completion of spring aerial treatment. They concentrate on woodlots infeasible to treat by aircraft such as small woodlots less than 5 acres. Ground crews will use Bti or larviciding oil for this treatment depending on the mosquitoes’ stage of development.